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Contract Signature for Jira

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Contract Signature for Jira

is an app that simplifies the process of obtaining signatures on documents without requiring third-party tools (or even a Confluence). It lets users inside or outside your organization sign documents securely, streamlining the contract workflow while keeping everything within Jira.

Key features:

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Create various types of agreements
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Convert tickets into contract templates
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Sign your timesheets
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Get signatures on the spot via mail or on Jira
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Sign contracts inside and outside your organization
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Draw, upload, or render your signature
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Secure contract signing process with 2FA (2-factor authentication)
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Receive signed PDF document certified
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Keep signed documents as Jira issues attachments
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Use macros for dynamic data
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Place dynamic data anywhere on the document
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Paper trailing and history
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Customize email communication
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Keep stakeholders (not signers) informed about the process
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Visibility control macro to deduct a part of the content from the contract
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Custom domain
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Font customization
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Email sender customization
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Integrate with webhooks to keep track of your contracts
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Key Points

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Cloud fortified
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Bug Bounty Program
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24hr support response time
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Reliability and Security

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How does it work

️Available step types are:
 1. Preparing the issue
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You can create a contract within the issue content or use the app when you need additional confirmation on a ticket approval.
 2. Creating the contract
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With just a few clicks, add all the information required (contract title, access method, signers data, etc.).
 3. Signing
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Signers receive the document and can sign it by drawing, uploading, or rendering the signature onto the document (also, since the app comes with full mobile support, by using a phone’s touchscreen).
 4. Confirmation
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Signers receive a code to confirm the signature.
 5. Finalizing
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HTML and PDF versions of the document are prepared with the audit certificate. Signers receive the signed document, which is being kept as the issue attachment.
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For more detailed information on the app, check our

Creating Contract

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When to use the App

Signing agreements created as Jira tasks
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Signing timesheets
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Acceptance of changes
Accepting task or project outcome
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Signing documents for companies not using a Confluence
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Accepting project requirements
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Graphic/design acceptance
Contract Signature Icon

How the app benefits you

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Convert issues into contract templates
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Customize your documents - use dynamic data anywhere on the document thanks to a variety of macros (including the “Visibility control” macro to deduct something from the template)
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Let documents to be signed by people inside or outside your organization,
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Draw (with a cursor or touchscreen), upload, or render your signature
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Secure your signing process with a 2-factor authentication method via SMS (connected to your provider)
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Sign timesheets, invoices, contracts
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Receive signed PDF document certified
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Let stakeholders (not signers) be aware of the process by keeping them informed about the contract status, and providing them with a signed document on demand,
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Keep signed documents as Jira issue attachments
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Keep track of the document status and history of changes (also by using webhooks)
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Customize the process with custom domains, watermarks, font customization, email sender customization, and API exposure
Contract Signature Icon

What do you want to know

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How does the app work?
Once the document is prepared as a Jira issue (or when you need additional confirmation on a ticket approval), you can send a read-only version to your contractor. That person can sign the document by uploading a scanned signature or by writing the signature onto the document using a mouse, touchscreen, or (since the app comes with full mobile support) by using a phone’s touchscreen. The signatory then receives an email with a code to confirm the signature.
When the document is signed, a full audit trail is generated and HTML and PDF versions of the document are prepared with the audit certificate.
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Is the application secure?
Contract Signatures for Jira app is designed with security in mind. The documents can be shared as read-only versions and the app incorporates multiple layers of verification, such as email-based confirmation codes, to validate the signature. The app also generates a comprehensive audit trail for each signed document, adding another layer of transparency and accountability.
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How can I benefit from using this app?
Using the Contract Signatures for Jira app offers several valuable benefits. First, it streamlines the contract signing process directly within Jira, allowing you to handle everything without the need for external tools or additional platforms like Confluence. This simplifies workflow management and improves efficiency by keeping all tasks centralized. Second, it enables external collaborators, such as clients or partners, to sign documents securely, enhancing collaboration without sacrificing security. Lastly, the app ensures transparency and compliance by generating a detailed audit trail and providing certified PDF or HTML versions of signed documents, making record-keeping seamless.

It saves time, increases productivity, and improves collaboration while ensuring security and transparency.